1 |
65354426 |
Water Supply to villages |
178000 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.548620615154505,10.548620615154505
Longitude : 79.50144273228943,79.50144273228943
file name : Image_22012023094944421.png
2023-01-22 09:49:44.520489 |
2 |
65354426 |
Water Supply to villages |
178000 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.548620615154505,10.548620615154505
Longitude : 79.50144273228943,79.50144273228943
file name : Image_22012023094953373.png
2023-01-22 09:49:53.470791 |
3 |
65354421 |
Water Supply to villages |
178000 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.548595804721117,10.548598780296743
Longitude : 79.50141213834286,79.50141808949411
file name : Image_22012023094939630.png
2023-01-22 09:49:39.742535 |
4 |
65354466 |
482000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.614421907812357,10.614415956661105,10.614419896155596
Longitude : 79.55736712552607,79.55736435949802,79.5573550555855
file name : Image_01102022135614929.png
2022-10-01 13:56:15.067456 |
5 |
60960495 |
299987 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.614517251960933,10.614516120404005
Longitude : 79.55742512829602,79.55742395482957
file name : Image_15072022153711108.png
2022-07-15 15:37:11.207258 |
6 |
60960461 |
230383 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.61442551203072,10.614436911419034
Longitude : 79.55745966173708,79.55746804364026
file name : Image_15072022153706997.png
2022-07-15 15:37:07.081827 |
7 |
60960360 |
63000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.615045898593962
Longitude : 79.55752587877214
file name : Image_20082022121600653.png
2022-08-20 12:16:00.725981 |
8 |
60960277 |
175000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.615086467005312
Longitude : 79.55724793486297
file name : Image_20082022121633824.png
2022-08-20 12:16:33.896299 |
9 |
60960277 |
175000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.615086467005312
Longitude : 79.55724793486297
file name : Image_20082022121643804.png
2022-08-20 12:16:43.87084 |
10 |
60960327 |
169000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.615084958262742
Longitude : 79.55724860541523
file name : Image_20082022121607440.png
2022-08-20 12:16:07.506656 |
11 |
66380880 |
364000 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.614493279717863,10.614488082937896
Longitude : 79.55738933756948,79.55738866701722
file name : Image_30122022113040167.png
2022-12-30 11:30:40.291302 |
12 |
65354446 |
Operation & maintenance of community sanitary complex |
361000 |
Operation & maintenance of community sanitary complex1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.48376947
Longitude : 79.53383804
file name : Image_10052023180551812.png
2023-05-10 18:05:51.898927 |
13 |
107624995 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
130433 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.541483333333334,10.541483333333334
Longitude : 79.57031,79.57030666666667
file name : Image_14092024115243031.png
2024-09-14 11:52:43.125393 |
14 |
107624995 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
130433 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.560265,10.560265
Longitude : 79.50150833333333,79.50150833333333
file name : Image_14092024074237805.png
2024-09-14 07:42:37.889237 |
15 |
107624944 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
113500 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596055000000002,10.596055000000002
Longitude : 79.50951833333333,79.50951833333333
file name : Image_12092024154817277.png
2024-09-12 15:48:17.371895 |
16 |
107624944 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
113500 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582584999999998,10.582584999999998
Longitude : 79.50586666666666,79.50586666666666
file name : Image_12092024153808005.png
2024-09-12 15:38:08.093912 |
17 |
107624944 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
113500 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597005000000001,10.597006666666667
Longitude : 79.509265,79.509265
file name : Image_12092024104736200.png
2024-09-12 10:47:36.001385 |
18 |
107624984 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
112000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596108333333332,10.596106666666666
Longitude : 79.509535,79.509535
file name : Image_12092024154851553.png
2024-09-12 15:48:51.650907 |
19 |
107624984 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
112000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582578333333334,10.58258
Longitude : 79.505905,79.50590666666668
file name : Image_12092024153826169.png
2024-09-12 15:38:26.253784 |
20 |
107624984 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
112000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582578333333334,10.58258
Longitude : 79.505905,79.50590666666668
file name : Image_12092024153812225.png
2024-09-12 15:38:12.310681 |
21 |
107624984 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
112000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597010000000001,10.597010000000001
Longitude : 79.509265,79.509265
file name : Image_12092024104742025.png
2024-09-12 10:47:42.1224 |
22 |
107624984 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
112000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597010000000001,10.597010000000001
Longitude : 79.509265,79.509265
file name : Image_12092024104746661.png
2024-09-12 10:47:46.748187 |
23 |
107625084 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
200000 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596049999999998
Longitude : 79.50952166666666
file name : Image_12092024155025651.png
2024-09-12 15:50:25.749677 |
24 |
107625084 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
200000 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582588333333335
Longitude : 79.50582166666666
file name : Image_12092024153639109.png
2024-09-12 15:36:39.192851 |
25 |
107625084 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
200000 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597010000000001
Longitude : 79.50927
file name : Image_12092024105746370.png
2024-09-12 10:57:46.470569 |
26 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.577835,10.577835
Longitude : 79.51010333333333,79.51010333333333
file name : Image_12092024163348416.png
2024-09-12 16:33:48.510643 |
27 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.577835,10.577835
Longitude : 79.51010333333333,79.51010333333333
file name : Image_12092024163345263.png
2024-09-12 16:33:45.340585 |
28 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.586441666666667,10.586441666666667
Longitude : 79.51046166666667,79.51046166666667
file name : Image_12092024162657263.png
2024-09-12 16:26:57.343732 |
29 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.586441666666667,10.586441666666667
Longitude : 79.51046166666667,79.51046166666667
file name : Image_12092024162701555.png
2024-09-12 16:27:01.633724 |
30 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.596048333333332,10.596048333333332
Longitude : 79.509515,79.509515
file name : Image_12092024161351282.png
2024-09-12 16:13:51.495406 |
31 |
107625165 |
Construction of roads |
342751 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.596048333333332,10.596048333333332
Longitude : 79.509515,79.509515
file name : Image_12092024161348310.png
2024-09-12 16:13:48.380096 |
32 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596061666666666
Longitude : 79.50953166666666
file name : Image_12092024155352407.png
2024-09-12 15:53:52.491099 |
33 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596061666666666
Longitude : 79.50953166666666
file name : Image_12092024155348345.png
2024-09-12 15:53:48.423516 |
34 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.58267
Longitude : 79.505825
file name : Image_12092024153517745.png
2024-09-12 15:35:17.826251 |
35 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.58267
Longitude : 79.505825
file name : Image_12092024153508749.png
2024-09-12 15:35:08.834998 |
36 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.596996666666666
Longitude : 79.50925333333333
file name : Image_12092024105534921.png
2024-09-12 10:55:35.008116 |
37 |
107625116 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
15273 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.596996666666666
Longitude : 79.50925333333333
file name : Image_12092024105544777.png
2024-09-12 10:55:44.865254 |
38 |
107625152 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
131827 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.577808333333333,10.57781
Longitude : 79.51011833333334,79.51012
file name : Image_12092024163342253.png
2024-09-12 16:33:42.334119 |
39 |
107625152 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
131827 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.586445,10.586445
Longitude : 79.510475,79.510475
file name : Image_12092024162652450.png
2024-09-12 16:26:52.516063 |
40 |
107625152 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
131827 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.596051666666664,10.596051666666664
Longitude : 79.50952833333334,79.50952833333334
file name : Image_12092024161345359.png
2024-09-12 16:13:45.431038 |
41 |
107625068 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
54100 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.596058333333334
Longitude : 79.50953666666666
file name : Image_12092024155344627.png
2024-09-12 15:53:44.719544 |
42 |
107625068 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
54100 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582595
Longitude : 79.50582666666666
file name : Image_12092024153513992.png
2024-09-12 15:35:14.084554 |
43 |
107625068 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
54100 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582595
Longitude : 79.50582666666666
file name : Image_12092024153504534.png
2024-09-12 15:35:04.622545 |
44 |
107625068 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
54100 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597005000000001
Longitude : 79.50926166666666
file name : Image_12092024105528815.png
2024-09-12 10:55:28.902794 |
45 |
107625068 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
54100 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597005000000001
Longitude : 79.50926166666666
file name : Image_12092024105539836.png
2024-09-12 10:55:39.926026 |
46 |
107625046 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
86560 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 10.596041666666668
Longitude : 79.50947666666666
file name : Image_12092024155340496.png
2024-09-12 15:53:40.589548 |
47 |
107625046 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
86560 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 10.582543333333335
Longitude : 79.50583
file name : Image_12092024153454685.png
2024-09-12 15:34:54.774676 |
48 |
107625046 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households |
86560 |
Creation of community soak pits for group of Households1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.597010000000001
Longitude : 79.50925333333333
file name : Image_12092024105524372.png
2024-09-12 10:55:24.452737 |
49 |
66380781 |
Augmentation of the existing source of drinking water |
133000 |
Augmentation of the existing source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.532406666666668,10.532406666666668
Longitude : 79.52026333333333,79.52026166666666
file name : Image_26062024175343805.png
2024-06-26 17:53:43.903526 |
50 |
66380849 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management |
367944 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 10.560388333333332
Longitude : 79.50093166666667
file name : Image_30062024194307652.png
2024-06-30 19:43:07.741662 |