1 |
56962146 |
New pipe line under ground |
184840 |
New pipe line under ground1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28088664,18.28098184
Longitude : 77.86174695,77.86168606
file name : Image_14032023095000280.png
2023-03-14 09:50:00.37178 |
2 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28083256,18.28083256
Longitude : 77.86228251,77.86228251
file name : Image_20012023180240937.png
2023-01-20 18:02:41.025511 |
3 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28083256,18.28083256
Longitude : 77.86228251,77.86228251
file name : Image_20012023180234746.png
2023-01-20 18:02:34.82961 |
4 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28083395,18.28083418
Longitude : 77.86228252,77.86228244
file name : Image_20012023180218477.png
2023-01-20 18:02:18.563645 |
5 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.25006826,18.25006826
Longitude : 77.89520304,77.89520304
file name : Image_13032023151922382.png
2023-03-13 15:19:22.483437 |
6 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28298185,18.28298185
Longitude : 77.86302964,77.86302964
file name : Image_21012023115058799.png
2023-01-21 11:50:58.964619 |
7 |
56962371 |
Constraction of New Drinage |
184840 |
Constraction of New Drinage1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.2344084,18.2344084
Longitude : 77.9113555,77.9113555
file name : Image_27032024113338884.png
2024-03-27 11:33:39.23282 |
8 |
45947308 |
356622 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.25071919,18.25071919
Longitude : 77.89506202,77.89506202
file name : Image_19052023173434473.png
2023-05-19 17:34:34.567435 |
9 |
45947158 |
154037 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.28093152,18.28093152
Longitude : 77.86184658,77.86184658
file name : Image_12072023200832432.png
2023-07-12 20:08:32.530833 |
10 |
37731281 |
New bore well |
200000 |
New bore well1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.232995000000003
Longitude : 77.75744166666667
file name : Image_07122023080458883.png
2023-12-07 08:04:58.982439 |
11 |
37731281 |
New bore well |
200000 |
New bore well1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.232975
Longitude : 77.75737833333332
file name : Image_07122023080754769.png
2023-12-07 08:07:54.870218 |
12 |
71362708 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management |
200000 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.22795166666667
Longitude : 77.93372166666667
file name : Image_27032024121725528.png
2024-03-27 12:17:25.839132 |