1 |
57475591 |
Drianage and sanitation works |
89615 |
Drianage and sanitation works1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47194689623136
Longitude : 78.74524099042367
file name : Image_06032023211903915.png
2023-03-06 21:19:04.009224 |
2 |
57475591 |
Drianage and sanitation works |
89615 |
Drianage and sanitation works1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471941756509523
Longitude : 78.74524165864223
file name : Image_06032023212057665.png
2023-03-06 21:20:57.761355 |
3 |
57475591 |
Drianage and sanitation works |
89615 |
Drianage and sanitation works1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471943277778067
Longitude : 78.74525398421416
file name : Image_06032023212339126.png
2023-03-06 21:23:39.21902 |
4 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471978827017292
Longitude : 78.74550666653275
file name : Image_20092023061436503.png
2023-09-20 06:14:36.579165 |
5 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471812463406593
Longitude : 78.7455248911653
file name : Image_09082023083841325.png
2023-08-09 08:38:41.410436 |
6 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47186621868262
Longitude : 78.74550756994762
file name : Image_09082023083632886.png
2023-08-09 08:36:32.974503 |
7 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471923417794653
Longitude : 78.74554936241769
file name : Image_09082023080655006.png
2023-08-09 08:06:55.099525 |
8 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471947891837665
Longitude : 78.74552763473979
file name : Image_14082023162510012.png
2023-08-14 16:25:10.097907 |
9 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471979632112955
Longitude : 78.74553894980525
file name : Image_03082023053846063.png
2023-08-03 05:38:46.146473 |
10 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471987041901848
Longitude : 78.74554819841119
file name : Image_03082023053547517.png
2023-08-03 05:35:47.606405 |
11 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47199590732721
Longitude : 78.74555899527962
file name : Image_03082023053306021.png
2023-08-03 05:33:06.10702 |
12 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471819623833408
Longitude : 78.74551806366284
file name : Image_09082023083844430.png
2023-08-09 08:38:44.516495 |
13 |
75180767 |
Water Supply to villages |
89615 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471948519715465
Longitude : 78.7455150584671
file name : Image_14082023160243021.png
2023-08-14 16:02:43.130546 |
14 |
46857154 |
Construction of drains |
74682 |
Construction of drains1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471984469868616
Longitude : 78.74555825279555
file name : Image_09092023100956180.png
2023-09-09 10:09:56.262692 |
15 |
46857000 |
laying pipline |
74681 |
laying pipline1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47197805416982
Longitude : 78.74549660389972
file name : Image_20092023061908724.png
2023-09-20 06:19:08.80597 |
16 |
46857000 |
laying pipline |
74681 |
laying pipline1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47200289748565
Longitude : 78.74555212281211
file name : Image_09092023100457998.png
2023-09-09 10:04:58.073265 |
17 |
46857791 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
195726 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471956348874997
Longitude : 78.74552425869548
file name : Image_20102023115359979.png
2023-10-20 11:54:00.077574 |
18 |
46857791 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
195726 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472014534250167
Longitude : 78.74552993403186
file name : Image_02102023184530680.png
2023-10-02 18:45:30.761937 |
19 |
46857791 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
195726 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.4002299
Longitude : 78.6368213
file name : Image_23092023133235262.png
2023-09-23 13:32:35.341094 |
20 |
46857348 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
149363 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471950775070727
Longitude : 78.74554207558353
file name : Image_20102023115132105.png
2023-10-20 11:51:32.20359 |
21 |
46857348 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
149363 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472007115720665
Longitude : 78.74553685956292
file name : Image_02102023184455191.png
2023-10-02 18:44:55.271878 |
22 |
46857348 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges |
149363 |
purchase of street lights and CC Charges1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.4002304
Longitude : 78.6368202
file name : Image_23092023133438750.png
2023-09-23 13:34:39.431293 |
23 |
81094870 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
59745 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471913550581807
Longitude : 78.74555444071088
file name : Image_11102023124400735.png
2023-10-11 12:44:00.81872 |
24 |
81094870 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
59745 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47192171174416
Longitude : 78.74554923986223
file name : Image_11102023113536561.png
2023-10-11 11:35:36.695091 |
25 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471922873018666,16.4719194726885
Longitude : 78.74544171728688,78.7454423912431
file name : Image_03102023195431191.png
2023-10-03 19:54:31.293848 |
26 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472003323852817,16.471999287295716
Longitude : 78.74554128212397,78.74554468907267
file name : Image_02102023200557452.png
2023-10-02 20:05:57.584545 |
27 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471859563053048,16.4002288
Longitude : 78.74551419272265,78.636818
file name : Image_23092023125500080.png
2023-09-23 12:55:00.177578 |
28 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47198398672482,16.471989272616547
Longitude : 78.74551300284662,78.74551224168434
file name : Image_20092023061630487.png
2023-09-20 06:16:30.570018 |
29 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471992805587313,16.47199461705169
Longitude : 78.74550658004794,78.74550853701189
file name : Image_27072023172820812.png
2023-07-27 17:28:20.916372 |
30 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471988612349254,16.471986357349135
Longitude : 78.745508425963,78.74550535223112
file name : Image_27072023172656876.png
2023-07-27 17:26:56.973927 |
31 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472007143660235,16.4719983901604,16.472006108879004
Longitude : 78.74549922047751,78.74549995555431,78.74549831802297
file name : Image_27072023172945574.png
2023-07-27 17:29:45.666963 |
32 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471855446752325,16.471853357119283
Longitude : 78.74478637401175,78.74478978577751
file name : Image_03032023064310098.png
2023-03-03 06:43:10.199377 |
33 |
57476183 |
Gravelling Internal Roads |
90490 |
Gravelling Internal Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472047931020423,16.4720348568168
Longitude : 78.74540734522536,78.74539940615728
file name : Image_13022023092452119.png
2023-02-13 09:24:52.203733 |
34 |
34837444 |
Maintainanace of PWS |
149363 |
Maintainanace of PWS 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471951362836794
Longitude : 78.74551991794348
file name : Image_18122023125903848.png
2023-12-18 12:59:03.929926 |
35 |
34837656 |
Sanitation and Laying of CC Roads |
149363 |
Sanitation and Laying of CC Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47190237397702,16.47190222436054
Longitude : 78.74552793858773,78.7455291319799
file name : Image_13122023154724024.png
2023-12-13 15:47:24.101836 |
36 |
34837656 |
Sanitation and Laying of CC Roads |
149363 |
Sanitation and Laying of CC Roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.471953361429787,16.471957094272806
Longitude : 78.74549492516013,78.74549525445565
file name : Image_10112023132550273.png
2023-11-10 13:25:50.357324 |
37 |
57475200 |
Laying Pipeline |
89615 |
Laying Pipeline1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472161607924143,16.472161607924143
Longitude : 78.74550145917,78.74550145917
file name : Image_28052024055517462.png
2024-05-28 05:55:17.547838 |
38 |
57475200 |
Laying Pipeline |
89615 |
Laying Pipeline1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.47214284740054,16.472145498216598
Longitude : 78.7455044108395,78.74550412052018
file name : Image_28052024054827625.png
2024-05-28 05:48:27.712409 |
39 |
75181147 |
Repair of drainage channel |
89615 |
Repair of drainage channel1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472149270108424
Longitude : 78.74551110108833
file name : Image_28052024055601092.png
2024-05-28 05:56:01.174188 |
40 |
75181147 |
Repair of drainage channel |
89615 |
Repair of drainage channel1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 16.472150199213665
Longitude : 78.74549819709239
file name : Image_28052024055420713.png
2024-05-28 05:54:20.809207 |