1 |
45765215 |
182065 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.776706666666666
Longitude : 81.96903666666667
file name : Image_27112021110313656.png
2021-11-27 11:03:13.767384 |
2 |
45765215 |
182065 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77672833333333
Longitude : 81.96912166666667
file name : Image_30112021083143947.png
2021-11-30 08:31:44.066391 |
3 |
45766441 |
112065 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.776623333333337
Longitude : 81.96888833333334
file name : Image_12012022153159552.png
2022-01-12 15:31:59.653722 |
4 |
45766441 |
112065 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.776763333333335
Longitude : 81.96869833333334
file name : Image_12012022153203623.png
2022-01-12 15:32:03.716984 |
5 |
45766441 |
112065 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.776775
Longitude : 81.968675
file name : Image_12012022153207309.png
2022-01-12 15:32:07.4194 |
6 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.7774957
Longitude : 81.97115034
file name : Image_13022024195816212.png
2024-02-13 19:58:16.300011 |
7 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749646
Longitude : 81.97114972
file name : Image_13022024195808484.png
2024-02-13 19:58:08.579221 |
8 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77748888
Longitude : 81.97114593
file name : Image_13022024195801258.png
2024-02-13 19:58:01.351362 |
9 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77746557
Longitude : 81.97116496
file name : Image_13022024195755572.png
2024-02-13 19:57:55.661706 |
10 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749573
Longitude : 81.97115282
file name : Image_13022024195750432.png
2024-02-13 19:57:50.520789 |
11 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749581
Longitude : 81.97115294
file name : Image_13022024195741227.png
2024-02-13 19:57:41.317219 |
12 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749626
Longitude : 81.97115266
file name : Image_13022024195729570.png
2024-02-13 19:57:29.66363 |
13 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77754745
Longitude : 81.97112815
file name : Image_13022024195724667.png
2024-02-13 19:57:24.754816 |
14 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77754977
Longitude : 81.97112532
file name : Image_13022024195718452.png
2024-02-13 19:57:18.536505 |
15 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.7774957
Longitude : 81.97115034
file name : Image_13022024195704793.png
2024-02-13 19:57:04.886233 |
16 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749646
Longitude : 81.97114972
file name : Image_13022024195658019.png
2024-02-13 19:56:58.104623 |
17 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77748888
Longitude : 81.97114593
file name : Image_13022024195652394.png
2024-02-13 19:56:52.486175 |
18 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77746557
Longitude : 81.97116496
file name : Image_13022024195646993.png
2024-02-13 19:56:47.086394 |
19 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749573
Longitude : 81.97115282
file name : Image_13022024195641867.png
2024-02-13 19:56:42.001902 |
20 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749581
Longitude : 81.97115294
file name : Image_13022024195636697.png
2024-02-13 19:56:36.805804 |
21 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77749626
Longitude : 81.97115266
file name : Image_13022024195630496.png
2024-02-13 19:56:30.581518 |
22 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77754745
Longitude : 81.97112815
file name : Image_13022024195625010.png
2024-02-13 19:56:25.098697 |
23 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77754977
Longitude : 81.97112532
file name : Image_13022024195619232.png
2024-02-13 19:56:19.32102 |
24 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77767131
Longitude : 81.97108328
file name : Image_13022024195612856.png
2024-02-13 19:56:12.945994 |
25 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.7721211
Longitude : 81.97361883
file name : Image_13022024114518638.png
2024-02-13 11:45:18.729111 |
26 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77213075
Longitude : 81.97362875
file name : Image_13022024114204502.png
2024-02-13 11:42:04.613858 |
27 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77212219
Longitude : 81.97360279
file name : Image_13022024114147763.png
2024-02-13 11:41:47.873881 |
28 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214464
Longitude : 81.97358899
file name : Image_13022024114122351.png
2024-02-13 11:41:22.459662 |
29 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77211096
Longitude : 81.97362377
file name : Image_13022024114054802.png
2024-02-13 11:40:54.913901 |
30 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77209517
Longitude : 81.97362972
file name : Image_13022024105740632.png
2024-02-13 10:57:40.718106 |
31 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77208187
Longitude : 81.97359818
file name : Image_13022024105527697.png
2024-02-13 10:55:27.779473 |
32 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77207786
Longitude : 81.97364472
file name : Image_13022024105344949.png
2024-02-13 10:53:45.036028 |
33 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214616
Longitude : 81.97368435
file name : Image_11012024162329946.png
2024-01-11 16:23:30.049514 |
34 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214559
Longitude : 81.97368416
file name : Image_11012024162325797.png
2024-01-11 16:23:25.897088 |
35 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77764665
Longitude : 81.97111271
file name : Image_11012024162321309.png
2024-01-11 16:23:21.407633 |
36 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77757719
Longitude : 81.97113418
file name : Image_11012024162315219.png
2024-01-11 16:23:15.31698 |
37 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77757722
Longitude : 81.97113409
file name : Image_11012024162309632.png
2024-01-11 16:23:09.725042 |
38 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77758348
Longitude : 81.97113272
file name : Image_11012024162249899.png
2024-01-11 16:22:49.993672 |
39 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214739
Longitude : 81.97368929
file name : Image_11012024162240222.png
2024-01-11 16:22:40.322076 |
40 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214616
Longitude : 81.97368435
file name : Image_11012024162235557.png
2024-01-11 16:22:35.673134 |
41 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77214559
Longitude : 81.97368416
file name : Image_11012024162230834.png
2024-01-11 16:22:30.937694 |
42 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77764665
Longitude : 81.97111271
file name : Image_11012024162226118.png
2024-01-11 16:22:26.216845 |
43 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77757719
Longitude : 81.97113418
file name : Image_11012024162221314.png
2024-01-11 16:22:21.407094 |
44 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77757722
Longitude : 81.97113409
file name : Image_11012024162215310.png
2024-01-11 16:22:15.449332 |
45 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77758348
Longitude : 81.97113272
file name : Image_11012024162207969.png
2024-01-11 16:22:08.06555 |
46 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77758365
Longitude : 81.97113228
file name : Image_11012024162201435.png
2024-01-11 16:22:01.537185 |
47 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77758557
Longitude : 81.97113248
file name : Image_11012024162155158.png
2024-01-11 16:21:55.251299 |
48 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77757124
Longitude : 81.97112387
file name : Image_11012024141950086.png
2024-01-11 14:19:50.18077 |
49 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77760014
Longitude : 81.97113235
file name : Image_11012024131440361.png
2024-01-11 13:14:40.527633 |
50 |
67427932 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
175000 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.77212931
Longitude : 81.97368283
file name : Image_11012024162245218.png
2024-01-11 16:22:45.310177 |
51 |
40455804 |
34269 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.992053333333335
Longitude : 81.95495833333332
file name : Image_30112021083147967.png
2021-11-30 08:31:48.088031 |
52 |
40455804 |
34269 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.991998333333335
Longitude : 81.95495333333334
file name : Image_30112021083308123.png
2021-11-30 08:33:08.221781 |
53 |
67484976 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
172000 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.87116679
Longitude : 81.87176181
file name : Image_03102023154816788.png
2023-10-03 15:48:17.476583 |