1 |
51856203 |
primary school ka kayakalp kary |
200000 |
primary school ka kayakalp kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.490432241883795
Longitude : 83.78936599684229
file name : Image_17102021203810907.png
2021-10-17 20:38:11.007666 |
2 |
37563851 |
प्रा वि रामपुर में मरम्मत कार्य कायाकल्प |
200000 |
प्रा वि रामपुर में मरम्मत कार्य कायाकल्प 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.490395064932976
Longitude : 83.78938902926869
file name : Image_24102021123221393.png
2021-10-24 12:32:21.495189 |
3 |
51854438 |
sokhta kary |
250000 |
sokhta kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.490442014007865
Longitude : 83.78925255964006
file name : Image_25102021173133692.png
2021-10-25 17:31:33.835671 |
4 |
52669957 |
interlocking kary 2 |
250000 |
interlocking kary 21 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.410283410136934,26.410279322348735
Longitude : 83.96385959915642,83.963852652426
file name : Image_05072021125951003.png
2021-07-05 12:59:51.363152 |
5 |
52669957 |
interlocking kary 2 |
250000 |
interlocking kary 21 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.410283410136934,26.410279322348735
Longitude : 83.96385959915642,83.963852652426
file name : Image_05072021131731375.png
2021-07-05 13:17:31.51125 |
6 |
52670012 |
interlocking kary |
250000 |
interlocking kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.410233564864082,26.41022762440776
Longitude : 83.96402046911437,83.9640312344868
file name : Image_05072021132929968.png
2021-07-05 13:29:30.080061 |
7 |
53623900 |
samudayik shouchalay ka boudry ev interlocking kary |
330000 |
samudayik shouchalay ka boudry ev interlocking kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.419488593884672
Longitude : 83.97189596087398
file name : Image_22082021190004529.png
2021-08-22 19:00:04.6408 |
8 |
53623900 |
samudayik shouchalay ka boudry ev interlocking kary |
330000 |
samudayik shouchalay ka boudry ev interlocking kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.4901873
Longitude : 83.7894071
file name : Image_07082021144145334.png
2021-08-07 14:41:45.43195 |
9 |
53624035 |
interlocking kary |
200000 |
interlocking kary 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.410761726914426,26.410740351510057
Longitude : 83.96472186666023,83.96472777039038
file name : Image_09082021142056762.png
2021-08-09 14:20:56.850315 |
10 |
54595746 |
street light kary |
380000 |
street light kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.49034359178249
Longitude : 83.7892668598527
file name : Image_27092021081155898.png
2021-09-27 08:11:55.984583 |
11 |
37565415 |
स्ट्रीट लाइट कार्य |
199000 |
स्ट्रीट लाइट कार्य1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.490222656672795
Longitude : 83.78939404531017
file name : Image_27092021074220544.png
2021-09-27 07:42:20.647133 |
12 |
74651308 |
Construction of roads |
480000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.731299,26.7312982
Longitude : 83.4229084,83.4229069
file name : Image_13042024084916567.png
2024-04-13 08:49:16.652741 |
13 |
74651308 |
Construction of roads |
480000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.7312914,26.7312914
Longitude : 83.4229073,83.4229073
file name : Image_13042024082513803.png
2024-04-13 08:25:13.881785 |
14 |
74651783 |
Construction of roads |
600000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.42140476,26.42140456
Longitude : 83.965821,83.96582494
file name : Image_11122023124916560.png
2023-12-11 12:49:16.646621 |
15 |
74651783 |
Construction of roads |
600000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.42142486,26.42142499
Longitude : 83.96588539,83.96588522
file name : Image_11122023123902614.png
2023-12-11 12:39:02.702486 |
16 |
74651586 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.4214531,26.42145427
Longitude : 83.96578997,83.96578461
file name : Image_15122023142930235.png
2023-12-15 14:29:30.312749 |
17 |
74651586 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.42145182,26.42145196
Longitude : 83.96578742,83.96578747
file name : Image_15122023142803106.png
2023-12-15 14:28:03.192396 |
18 |
74651586 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.42138801,26.42138845
Longitude : 83.96588955,83.96588931
file name : Image_11122023122817321.png
2023-12-11 12:28:17.412813 |
19 |
74651586 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.42137585,26.42137594
Longitude : 83.96590693,83.9659071
file name : Image_11122023122807942.png
2023-12-11 12:28:08.033077 |
20 |
74642373 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs |
300000 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 26.42595011
Longitude : 83.97240119
file name : Image_27052024143840624.png
2024-05-27 14:38:40.716627 |
21 |
74642373 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs |
300000 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.42597853
Longitude : 83.97240945
file name : Image_27052024143438009.png
2024-05-27 14:34:38.107978 |
22 |
74642373 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs |
300000 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.42153901
Longitude : 83.96574437
file name : Image_19022024131955663.png
2024-02-19 13:19:55.750961 |
23 |
103367961 |
Construction/ Maintenance/ Upgradation of Bus Stand Shed Ghats Graveyard/ Cemetery |
150000 |
Construction/ Maintenance/ Upgradation of Bus Stand Shed Ghats Graveyard/ Cemetery1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.421463333333335
Longitude : 83.96589166666666
file name : Image_12092024100514866.png
2024-09-12 10:05:14.946459 |
24 |
103367961 |
Construction/ Maintenance/ Upgradation of Bus Stand Shed Ghats Graveyard/ Cemetery |
150000 |
Construction/ Maintenance/ Upgradation of Bus Stand Shed Ghats Graveyard/ Cemetery1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.421434999999995
Longitude : 83.96576833333332
file name : Image_12092024095706242.png
2024-09-12 09:57:06.339119 |
25 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.2911047
Longitude : 83.927867
file name : Image_14092024122253126.png
2024-09-14 12:22:53.214399 |
26 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.421478333333333
Longitude : 83.96586166666665
file name : Image_12092024101848100.png
2024-09-12 10:18:48.199469 |
27 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits2 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.275978
Longitude : 83.9455089
file name : Image_14092024142358029.png
2024-09-14 14:23:58.106689 |
28 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits2 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.256385
Longitude : 83.93787499999999
file name : Image_14092024141055445.png
2024-09-14 14:10:55.6264 |
29 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits2 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.256325
Longitude : 83.937955
file name : Image_14092024125452063.png
2024-09-14 12:54:52.156638 |
30 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits2 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.421623333333333
Longitude : 83.96600666666667
file name : Image_12092024101943802.png
2024-09-12 10:19:43.873208 |
31 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits3 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.275867
Longitude : 83.9451417
file name : Image_14092024141302556.png
2024-09-14 14:13:02.632895 |
32 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits3 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.256360000000004
Longitude : 83.93789833333334
file name : Image_14092024130507662.png
2024-09-14 13:05:07.739239 |
33 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits4 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.2760755
Longitude : 83.9454506
file name : Image_14092024141424364.png
2024-09-14 14:14:24.443382 |
34 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits4 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.256343333333334
Longitude : 83.93790499999999
file name : Image_14092024130605895.png
2024-09-14 13:06:05.986017 |
35 |
107587491 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits |
400000 |
Connecting septic tanks with soak pits4 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.421551666666666
Longitude : 83.965965
file name : Image_12092024102124167.png
2024-09-12 10:21:24.24163 |
36 |
74649586 |
Construction of roads |
350000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.37940265,26.3795338
Longitude : 83.92395705,83.9244186
file name : Image_25062024152732008.png
2024-06-25 15:27:32.099008 |
37 |
74649586 |
Construction of roads |
350000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.3795339,26.37929121
Longitude : 83.9244175,83.92398833
file name : Image_25062024151020272.png
2024-06-25 15:10:20.361537 |