1 |
53468360 |
जगतपाल के घर से धीरेन्द्र अवस्थी के घर तक नाली निर्माण |
199001 |
जगतपाल के घर से धीरेन्द्र अवस्थी के घर तक नाली निर्माण 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.70547333333333,26.705479999999998
Longitude : 80.13463,80.13463166666666
file name : Image_01082021161451866.png
2021-08-01 16:14:51.91718 |
2 |
53468494 |
नरेश के घर से आनंद के घर तक नाली निर्माण |
199001 |
नरेश के घर से आनंद के घर तक नाली निर्माण 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.706124999999997,26.706124999999997
Longitude : 80.13456500000001,80.13456500000001
file name : Image_01082021162108945.png
2021-08-01 16:21:08.998083 |
3 |
53468163 |
प्राइमरी स्कूल से रघुवीर यादव के घर तक सी सी व् इन्तेरलोकिंग कार्य |
199000 |
प्राइमरी स्कूल से रघुवीर यादव के घर तक सी सी व् इन्तेरलोकिंग कार्य 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.70539666666667,26.705421666666666
Longitude : 80.13497333333333,80.13493333333332
file name : Image_01082021161309208.png
2021-08-01 16:13:09.259362 |
4 |
53468397 |
पुत्तानलाल के घर से तालाब तक नाली निर्माण |
99001 |
पुत्तानलाल के घर से तालाब तक नाली निर्माण 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.706313333333334,26.70633
Longitude : 80.13643166666667,80.13646999999999
file name : Image_14092021133500379.png
2021-09-14 13:35:00.446197 |
5 |
54359863 |
छोटे पाल के घर से लक्ष्मी देवी के प्लाट तक नाली निर्माण |
99001 |
छोटे पाल के घर से लक्ष्मी देवी के प्लाट तक नाली निर्माण 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.705875,26.705865000000003
Longitude : 80.13340333333333,80.13340833333334
file name : Image_14092021131047505.png
2021-09-14 13:10:47.569303 |
6 |
71190935 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking water supply system1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.695226666666667
Longitude : 80.127015
file name : Image_28112023100308836.png
2023-11-28 10:03:08.92569 |
7 |
71190935 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking water supply system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.4826566
Longitude : 80.2514445
file name : Image_03072023090542253.png
2023-07-03 09:05:42.240142 |
8 |
71164595 |
Construction of Segregation Unit |
206000 |
Construction of Segregation Unit1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 26.70619
Longitude : 80.13722833333333
file name : Image_26102023121150020.png
2023-10-26 12:11:50.129203 |
9 |
71164595 |
Construction of Segregation Unit |
206000 |
Construction of Segregation Unit1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.706438333333335
Longitude : 80.13708666666666
file name : Image_14092023135844819.png
2023-09-14 13:58:44.927266 |
10 |
71164595 |
Construction of Segregation Unit |
206000 |
Construction of Segregation Unit1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.70625
Longitude : 80.13728666666665
file name : Image_14092023134949923.png
2023-09-14 13:49:50.042888 |
11 |
71193927 |
Construction of Boundary Wall |
435000 |
Construction of Boundary Wall1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.706441666666667
Longitude : 80.13710833333333
file name : Image_14092023135723736.png
2023-09-14 13:57:23.863586 |
12 |
71193927 |
Construction of Boundary Wall |
435000 |
Construction of Boundary Wall1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.70640166666667
Longitude : 80.13708333333334
file name : Image_14092023134727800.png
2023-09-14 13:47:27.93892 |
13 |
100780059 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.4826734
Longitude : 80.2513729
file name : Image_06102024134150138.png
2024-10-06 13:41:50.226373 |
14 |
100780059 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.48273653
Longitude : 80.25148415
file name : Image_06102024133847714.png
2024-10-06 13:38:47.800591 |
15 |
100793616 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.48269623
Longitude : 80.25131102
file name : Image_06102024134241019.png
2024-10-06 13:42:41.108309 |
16 |
100793616 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system |
80000 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking/piped water supply system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.4826735
Longitude : 80.2513775
file name : Image_06102024133940325.png
2024-10-06 13:39:40.426507 |
17 |
94341298 |
gram sachivalay me rangai v putai kary |
131000 |
gram sachivalay me rangai v putai kary1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.6904213
Longitude : 80.12951993
file name : Image_03102024105401471.png
2024-10-03 10:54:01.569944 |
18 |
94341298 |
gram sachivalay me rangai v putai kary |
131000 |
gram sachivalay me rangai v putai kary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.69039094
Longitude : 80.12950237
file name : Image_03102024105210145.png
2024-10-03 10:52:10.266353 |
19 |
100717707 |
Construction of roads |
186000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.69051865,26.69052226
Longitude : 80.12947763,80.12947356
file name : Image_23102024173501153.png
2024-10-23 17:35:01.252931 |
20 |
100717707 |
Construction of roads |
186000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.6905092,26.6905199
Longitude : 80.12946825,80.12948916
file name : Image_23102024173151598.png
2024-10-23 17:31:51.748109 |
21 |
100718327 |
Augmentation of existing sources of Drinking Water |
160000 |
Augmentation of existing sources of Drinking Water1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 26.6904251
Longitude : 80.12953751
file name : Image_12112024135032401.png
2024-11-12 13:50:32.509534 |
22 |
100718327 |
Augmentation of existing sources of Drinking Water |
160000 |
Augmentation of existing sources of Drinking Water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 26.69040566
Longitude : 80.12953093
file name : Image_12112024134449449.png
2024-11-12 13:44:49.54198 |