1 |
72467708 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
121000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.139735000000005,27.13974
Longitude : 83.52838666666666,83.52869000000001
file name : Image_09072023174313019.png
2023-07-09 17:43:13.090412 |
2 |
72467708 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
121000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.139811666666667,27.139811666666667
Longitude : 83.52832333333332,83.52832333333332
file name : Image_09072023173228444.png
2023-07-09 17:32:28.535602 |
3 |
72467708 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
121000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.139723333333336,27.13996666666667
Longitude : 83.52844666666667,83.52835833333332
file name : Image_09072023172645131.png
2023-07-09 17:26:45.210943 |
4 |
72467708 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
121000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.13977333333333,27.13977333333333
Longitude : 83.52836333333335,83.52836333333335
file name : Image_09072023135034066.png
2023-07-09 13:50:34.162143 |
5 |
72467708 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
121000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.139843333333335,27.139836666666664
Longitude : 83.528355,83.52836
file name : Image_09072023141557754.png
2023-07-09 14:15:57.837322 |