1 |
99153255 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.586653333333334,27.586638333333333
Longitude : 81.61649166666666,81.61647500000001
file name : Image_05052024121322904.png
2024-05-05 12:13:22.999041 |
2 |
99152955 |
Construction of roads |
500000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.549588333333336,27.549531666666667
Longitude : 81.79014333333333,81.79012166666666
file name : Image_06052024155242388.png
2024-05-06 15:52:42.482119 |
3 |
99152955 |
Construction of roads |
500000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.586653333333334,27.586585
Longitude : 81.61650333333334,81.61648666666666
file name : Image_05052024122348291.png
2024-05-05 12:23:48.371153 |
4 |
99152955 |
Construction of roads |
500000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.586640000000003,27.586668333333332
Longitude : 81.61653333333334,81.61651499999999
file name : Image_05052024120724065.png
2024-05-05 12:07:24.159124 |
5 |
99154196 |
Construction of roads |
320000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.549541666666663,27.549516666666666
Longitude : 81.79014333333333,81.790125
file name : Image_06052024155128320.png
2024-05-06 15:51:28.40614 |
6 |
99154196 |
Construction of roads |
320000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.58663,27.586650000000002
Longitude : 81.61651666666667,81.616495
file name : Image_05052024120955056.png
2024-05-05 12:09:55.144127 |
7 |
99153639 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.549568333333333,27.54951
Longitude : 81.79020333333332,81.790205
file name : Image_06052024155028407.png
2024-05-06 15:50:28.494307 |
8 |
99153639 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.586636666666664,27.586640000000003
Longitude : 81.61646166666667,81.61646166666667
file name : Image_05052024122607968.png
2024-05-05 12:26:08.045848 |
9 |
99153639 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 27.586641666666665,27.58667666666667
Longitude : 81.61651166666667,81.61652833333332
file name : Image_05052024120835581.png
2024-05-05 12:08:35.663017 |